Want Your Friendships to Last Long? Here are 11 Tips to Help You Out

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Have you ever wondered how you and your friend have managed to stick together for years and years? From tripping on a song like crazy and having lots of laugh on senseless things to sharing deep conversations and playing witless pranks, you have likely done it all with your friend.

You feel as if you have an unbreakable bond.

It doesn?t matter whether you are happy or sad, real friends stay by your side through all ups and downs of life. They are the family you choose. It is better to take your friendships slowly and nurture them so that the bond gets stronger with each passing year.

Plus, here are a few things that can make your friendships thrive against all odds.

#1 Similar Interests

Shared interests make bonding stronger and also help create a comfort zone. This is because there is a sense of security when you are with your friend and you feel safe pursing shared interests together.

#2 Sharing Anything, Anytime

Whether it is talking about a Netflix series, college/office stuff or your relationship, you can share everything with a friend without even thinking about things and wondering whether they are important or not. Even at 2 am. This sharing brings you closer and helps you feel more connected.

#3 Fighting Also Helps

Fights are important sometimes because they make you realize how much you love your friend. Good friends can still work things out despite disagreements together. This also helps brings deeper issues out into the open and help resolve conflicts, thereby bringing you both closer.

#4 Stand by Them

Life is full of ups and downs but there are only a few who hold your hand and help you come out with flying colours. Make sure to stand by your friends and make them feel that they can count you. They will do the same. The clouds of despair will dissipate and your friendship will get stronger.

#5 Show Your Honesty

Tell the friend what the truth is, it?s your friend and it is okay to tell that her/his singing or cooking is the worst. Always be honest, but kind. This will help you trust each other more and more.

#6 Doing Crazy Things Together

This is the most important thing which makes the friendship bond stronger. We all do crazy things, but everyone judges us for doing so. But it is only a friend who you can count on for going on crazy adventures with you instead of judging you.

#7 Stay Connected

Do not forget to say connected with your friends and cherish those moments when you just hang out with your friends at your special ?adda? (premises) and forget all about your problems even if it is just for a while. Even if you cannot meet them every day, give them call every now and then to know how they are doing and make plans to meet as often as your schedule allows you to chill out together.

#8 Trust Their Words

Taking your friend?s words above anybody else?s will make your bond stronger and nothing can break the trust you two share. Even if you have a handful of these trustworthy friends, consider yourself truly blessed.

#9 Forgive and Forget

Humans make mistakes and your friends are only human. If they do something that hurts you and they apologise, all you need to do is to forgive and forget and move on. Likewise, whenever you feel that you have done something wrong, apologise right away instead of letting any misunderstanding ruin your friendship. Keep your egos aside if you want your friendship to last.

#10 Respecting Boundaries

Giving each other sufficient room is necessary. Yes, you are friends but that does not mean that your relationship has no boundaries. Instead of questioning what the societal view is, just do what feels right and respectful. If you respect your friendship, you would instinctively know which boundaries you should never cross.

#11 Maintaining Loyalty

Situations will not always be easy but try to stand by your friends and remain loyal to them. Whether you make a new friend at the gym or find a new love interest, you should not ignore your friend and let your friendship take a back seat just because you are devoting all your time to the new and exciting person in your life. When all is said and done, your friends are the only ones who will stand by you.

Just keep these simple things in mind and you never have to worry about your friendship. For true friends, expensive gifts and matching friendship bands do not matter, what matters is the priceless moments you share and how you stand by each other and help each other when life gets rough.

Happy Friendship Day!